On The Board

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Butter Almond Toffee

I wanted to make a home made nut brittle but ended up making the most beautiful butter toffee. A complete and utter mistake, but oh my goodness! What a wonderful mistake.

Naturally, toffee is not very good for you. However, I’ve used tempered honey mixed with 2 tbsp of vegan butter and have sprinkled in almonds, and a variety of seeds to bring you the sweetest treat.

I urge you, during this season of Covid-19 try your hand at home made food. This recipe is not hard and you can do it with only 1/2 cup of honey. The yield of toffee will shock you.


1/2 cup of good quality honey

2 tbsp butter/vegan margarine

chilie salt (omit if you don’t like chilie)

1/2 cup of almonds

1/4 cup ground walnuts/any other nut that you have

1/3 cup of cranberries

1 tbsp poppy seeds

2 tbsp sesame seeds

1 tbsp chia seeds


  1. In a saucepan, heat butter and honey until it starts to bubble. When it does, take it off the heat and stir vigorously.

  2. Repeat this until it starts to thicken slightly. At this stage, fill a glass with cold water and with a teaspoon drop a spoonful of honey into it. The honey is ready only when it hardens and resembles toffee. If it dissolves in the glass it is not ready.

  3. Assemble your cranberries, nuts and some of your seeds in a square sheet pan/glass dish. Flatten it nicely with your hand. Keep some seeds to sprinkle on top of your mixture.

  4. When your toffee is ready, pour it liberally over your seeds and cover it all.

  5. At this stage, if you see toffee without nuts, you can fill the gaps with more and sprinkle whatever leftover seeds you have on top.

  6. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

  7. Cut the toffee with a clean scissor - any shape you like.

  8. Store in the fridge.