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Covid-19 Lockdown: Day 12

My day has been so full of paranoia. Mainly because I woke up with a sore throat and a cough. As the day progressed however, the cough eased and my throat started to feel better.

But I’m not sure if I’ve got corona. Only time will tell.

That being said, I decided to stuff as much vegetables into my body as I could today. I avoided sugar and I’ve been drinking a lot of water and Rooibos tea.

A conversation with Mayuri, my dietician-turned-friend, made me question my intermittent fasting a little bit. I’ve been doing it every day since the lockdown started but she’s suggested that I don’t do it every day. Then we got stuck into how to reduce one’s calorie intake because we’re not moving as much in the day. I was reminded again of the quantity and timing of my carb intake and then I sat up bolt upright.

I’ve been eating my Easter egg at the wrong time every day. My habit is that I have supper, and either make a cup of tea, eat a piece of chocolate or devour an Easter egg. This habit is recent so try not to judge me.

The sugars from my late snack is what has probably been contributing to my lowered immune system. Right? I read about this - sugar stifles the body’s ability to fight harmful bacteria. I could be right or I could be wrong, but I’d rather be safe than sorry. I will not eat another Easter egg tonight. Also let me not pretend I know what I’m talking about. I don’t really.

Some good news… After much anxiety, deliberation, introspection and budget calculations I mustered up the courage to phone the plumber. It went straight to voicemail - I think he may have been occupied. My mind wandered to the thought of many bored toddlers out there who have been blocking toilets with newspaper, dinosaurs, wands and Hotwheels right now. Haha… What has your kids been getting up to?

So instead of redialing immediately I said a prayer and went to my ‘broken’ toilet and gave it a flush. Miracle of all miracles - it functioned. Proper.

And finally…

I think I may have a family of snails wanting to co-habit with me. I found one yesterday having a nap on the curtain in my loft. I banished him to the balcony but this morning I saw another trespassing in my dining room. I’m not sure what in particular makes them seek comfort in my home, but I’m going to pretend it’s my beautiful singing voice.