On The Board

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Covid-19 Lockdown - Day 26

This day has been incredibly productive. My creative juices are flowing and I’ve developed, photographed and banked three new recipes.

All are low carb and delicious and even more exciting is that I’ve finally nailed a gluten-free rotli recipe. Food aside I also morphed into an IT genius when my router decided to stop working. And I’m so proud of myself. I followed the instructions on the box, changed the password, set up and synced my entire home to this new wireless router. No help from a Telkom call center agent. No tears. Just a prayer, a quick phone call to my neighbor Adriaan and hope in my heart.

It’s also almost pay day and I’m so thrilled because for the first time in months my bank balance is not depleted. I have extra cash and this whole lockdown has made me realise just how many things I buy that I don’t really need. Are you experiencing something similar or is it just me? You may think I’m boasting but I am acutely aware of how blessed I am to still have a job that’s paying me a full salary. For many people the uncertainty of this lockdown is being felt already and I’m in no way trying to belittle anyone if that’s the situation you’re in at the moment.

I also pledged money and time to another fundraising initiative today and that made me feel really good because I am getting an opportunity to help others by doing something small. On Saturday I will run a 5km up and down to the bin room again, except this time it’ll be for a cause.

Today I practiced by doing a couple of rounds and I was actually meant to take the bin out for real but forgot. I’m silently hoping no maggots manifest overnight because there are prawn shells in there and I’m afraid and a bit lazy to walk to the bin room now.