On The Board

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Covid-19 Lockdown: Day 30

I’m thoroughly tired this evening - mainly because I’ve eaten heavy meals today and binged on some chocolate right before this post.

Today was amazing. I cooked, cleaned, and in the process found a lamp I made back in 1992. YES. I made it from two blocks of wood under the guidance of Mr Willemse, my woodwork teacher.

My mother has been complaining about her lamp not switching on for two weeks prior to her going to my brother’s home for lockdown. I told her I would fix it when I had a chance but never got around to doing anything. Today I was cleaning her closet and wiping down her shelves when I spotted my tiny lamp stored at the back of all my puzzle boxes.

I was so excited and seeing that I broke her already faulty lamp in two this morning while I was vacuuming, I had to throw it away. But before I did, I removed the lampshade and put it on another lamp and took that lampshade and restored it to my old homemade lamp. Like brand new.

I must say I’m quite proud of myself for setting the lamp up for my mum. I’m actually quite handy. Yesterday I fixed the bathroom light which went out and I did it by balancing my ottoman on the toilet. From there I would stretch to the ceiling light and unbolt three screws with a star screwdriver. I carefully placed the glass cover on the cistern while I swapped out the light bulbs. My running belt went up with me and housed all my tools. To be honest, all I had in there was a Labello, a bulb, a screwdriver and some 32Gi Cramp Assault.

I also wanted to feel close to my mum today so this afternoon, before the sun set, I slipped on her hoodie because her scent is still lingering in the material. I couldv’e called her but I felt weepy and was afraid that if I we speak I’ll burst into tears. I’m not sure if I’m PMS’ing or if this yearning is a cumulation of weeks of no physical contact with anyone, but I do feel somewhat lost without my mum. I made one of her favorite desserts today and as I ate, tears as hot and round as the sago balls rolled down my face.

But at least I got most of my chores done. All except for one. I still need to sweep my upstairs balcony. I started my day there actually but soon quit because Mexico thinks me sweeping my balcony is code to live dangerously. She loves walking on the wall and the wooden beams when we’re out there together. This morning, as the sun rose to kiss our faces she decided to pull her usual acrobatics on the dew-kissed wooden beans, only this time her back foot slipped. My heart lurched but she quickly steadied herself, turned around and gave me a death stare like I pushed her.

I pee’d myself a little, I won’t lie.