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Covid-19 Lockdown: Day 8

I finally found the upside to cycling indoors. You can drink as much tea as you want before the ride because at any time, you can pause, un-cleat and go for a tinkle.

So my cat is getting used to me cycling for a long while. She usually sleeps on the couch next to me while I do my thing. But today she paid a particular interest in my bike and while I was riding, kept treading underneath it in a bold, I-want-to-die, kind of fashion. The bottom of my metal cleat missed her tiny old head twice but she didn’t seem to phased. We had a long conversation about her pushing my buttons afterwards because again, I came home to a wad of vomit on the carpet. She obviously missed me, overindulged in her ‘Gourmet Meat Platter’ kibble and got drunk on rain water. This much was obvious.

It’s still raining in Johannesburg. It’s been raining on and off the entire week to be honest and when it rains, my house leaks. Last night I had to move my bed slightly away from my bedroom wall for fear of electrocution. I had decided to use the electric blanket because I was too lazy to find my winter blanket. Since my electric blanket is a new commodity in my home I’m still afraid it’ll kill me one day if my hot water bottle decides to burst and seep into my blankets wired insides. Judge my crazy but that can happen.

At work my colleague Uveka so kindly offered to buy me groceries because I am still hesitant to go to the shops. She included a surprise box of candied Easter eggs in my bag and it made my entire day. When I got home I immediate ate two and after my ride I contemplated another one. But sanity prevailed and I made some berry infused tea instead.

Not the same as chocolate, but close enough.

In summary, this day was beautiful. It was busy - I worked, cooked a brinjal Shakshuka for supper and I made a mushroom and spinach coconut curry for lunch tomorrow.

I also managed to have a conversation with my gorgeous neighbor Adriaan. We spoke through the rain this afternoon - his patio overlooking my unit. Seeing his excited face and breathing in the scent of wet grass invigorated me. Our brief exchange made me appreciate my friends and family a little bit more this evening. I still yearn to hug and see them and as I say goodbye to Friday and day eight of this lockdown, I’m overcome with gratitude. Gratitude for all the little things that exist in my life.