On The Board

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Covid-19 Lockdown: Day 9

Rain. Glorious rain, is where all my problems lie. Okay well, not all my problems - but most of my problems.

Remember how I mentioned yesterday that when it rains, my house leaks. Well it’s still raining and when I came home from work I found even more of Mother Nature’s overflow in my bedroom. The carpet near my door was wet.

I had initially glared at Mexico and blurted out some choice words, assuming she had made a tinkle in the corner, but after laying down white paper towels like a paranoid germophobe I realised it wasn’t. By then though I had already flushed a couple of paper towels down the toilet in an effort to clean the wee. And in a moment of utter stupidity I gathered up some more wet paper towels and proceeded to flush them down the toilet.

Horrified, I watched my entire toilet bowl fill with water in slow motion.

I’m not even sure why I closed my eyes I just know that I wanted what I was seeing to stop. When I opened them again nothing changed and I just panicked - so I reached in there like MacGuyver and pulled some of the paper out with my hand. WITH MY HAND!!!! The water went down so slowly afterwards but I can’t even describe my relief. It went down.

I have since, disposed of the rest of the wet paper towels. Cut my nails, taken a shower and I may have mentioned this to a friend while I recovered with some pancakes at teatime. He also gave me the number of a good plumber who I’ve resolved to call on Monday. Actually, let me be honest, I tried calling him earlier but the phone went to voicemail. I’m a bit scared about flushing the loo, but thankfully I have two bathrooms and only one bum.

The devil is real.