On The Board

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Gem Squash Tuna Cups

Gem squash is that vegetable I always buy but it’s not my first choice as a side, never mind a whole meal.

I made these cups for lunch because after a week of eating baked potato’s in preparation for a long run, I wanted something a little bit more exciting in the middle of the day. I also didn’t want too many elements on my plate so I decided to combine, tuna with mashed potato and roasted chickpeas.

I was blown away. The flavours were simply stunning.


4 gem squash, cut in half and de-seeded

1 lemon

1 tsp olive oil

1 onion, diced

1/4 cup chickpeas

3 medium sized potatoes, mashed

1 can tuna

1 tsp smoked paprika

salt to taste

1 tsp dill

sprig of thyme

1/4 cup milk


  1. Steam gem squash in the microwave for 4-5 minutes/in the steamer.

  2. In a pan on medium heat, fry onions until translucent.

  3. At the same time, bring a pot of water to a rolling boil and drop potatoes in there. Add 1 tsp salt and boil for 10-15 minutes to make your mash.

  4. Add paprika to your pan and then the tuna. Sear the tuna well and set the pan aside.

  5. Strain potatoes and mash. Add milk and mash some more.

  6. Mix 1/2 of the mash and tuna together and add salt to taste.

  7. Set the other 1/2 of the mash aside.

  8. Next, turn the oven on the grill function.

  9. Fill each cup with the tuna mixture.

  10. Top with mash and with a fork, ruffle it a little.

  11. Line a baking tray with baking paper and arrange each of the gem squash cups on it.

  12. Bake in the oven until the tops of the cups are crispy.

  13. While the cups grill, heat a tiny amount of oil to the same pan you cooked your tuna in.

  14. Fry the chickpeas in the oil with salt and pepper. I added some more smoked paprika. Keep tossing the chickpeas until it roasts well.

  15. Scoop spoonfuls of chickpeas over the top of your tuna cups and garnish with fresh dill.

  16. Enjoy warm.