On The Board

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Spinach And Mushrooms

Eating vegetables is not everyone’s cup of tea but made with the right condiments you can enjoy vegetables, not as side dish, but as a meal.

I made this last week because I wanted a heartier, but simple supper. I threw in 1/2 a small can of reduced fat coconut milk for added flavor and the taste was great. For lunch the next day I paired this with brown rice and I had a yogurt dessert with honey as my protein.


1/3 cup reduced fat coconut milk

1 punnet of mushrooms, sliced

1/2 onion, diced

1 tsp olive oil

2 cups spinach, broken into pieces

1 tsp fresh garlic

1 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)

Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a frying pan, heat oil and fry onions until transluscent.

  2. Add garlic and then mushrooms.

  3. Give it a good toss and add cayenne pepper.

  4. Pour in coconut milk and let the mixture simmer for only a minute before adding the spinach.

  5. When the sauce gets thicker and the spinach wilts, your meal is ready.

  6. Season well and garnish with herbs.