Almond & Lime Cake

I have honestly never eaten such a tasty gluten-free cake in my life.
This almond creation is so good, I made it repeatedly for a week, just to make sure I didn’t concoct a one-hit-wonder. It’s moist; the texture is like a dessert - crumbly and sweet. There’s lime undertones that make you, with each bite, burst with longing for the next. I cannot describe how satisfying one slice is. You really just have to try it.
Almond flour and almond meal is the same thing. I make my own flour because I am like that but you can buy it in Woolworths for around R230. One bag makes two cakes.
Top tip: Make sure your baking tin is well oiled otherwise this cake won’t come out of it. Spray-And-Cook is not enough. I use baking paper and find it easier to lift out of the cake tin instead of tipping it out.
1 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
pinch of salt
4 large eggs
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups almond meal/flour
1 tbsp lime juice
rind of 1 lime
1/2 cup of melted butter
Line a round baking tin/dish with parchment paper and preheat oven to 190 degrees.
Whisk eggs and sugar until it’s fluffy and pale in color.
Add vanilla, lime juice and lime rind and keep whisking.
Add almond flour and mix until combined.
Pour in melted butter and the pinch of salt.
Bake for 30-35 minutes.
Let the cake cool before lifting out of the tray and turning it over on a cake dish.
Carefully remove the baking paper and dust with icing sugar.