Pickled Onions, Green Beans And Chilies

My mother made pickled onions, beans and chilies all the time. She adds carrots to the mix and I’ve always enjoyed the salty crunch with a curry in my youth.
This recipe is very easy. You don’t need much and quantities don’t really matter. If you’ve got enough vinegar, you can pretty much add any vegetable to a bottle and pickle it.
Bag of small onions
Medium bag of fresh green beans
Chilies (I use 4 small bags of Woolies green chilies)
1 tsp salt
2 bottles of brown vinegar
Sterilize a very large jar and it’s lid.
Prepare the beans by snipping a little off at each end. You can do this with your fingers. Peel onions and set aside.
Fill half the jar with beans onion and chilies.
Sprinkle salt over the this and repeat the above step.
Add vinegar.
Pour in the vinegar until the jar is full and seal it for 7 days before tucking into your pickles..