Gluten, Sugar-Free Chocolate Cake

Gluten, Sugar-Free Chocolate Cake

Every childhood.. adulthood.. life.. is dusted with memories of a good slice of chocolate cake. And I don’t believe people who profess not to like sweet things. EVERYONE loves chocolate cake.

I hijacked this recipe from the inside of the Nestle cocoa tin and altered it for a gluten, sugar-free experience. The icing is busked to my taste using Nomu’s skinny hot chocolate. The truth is I ran out of cocoa powder but I’m so happy with the outcome.

Top Tip: This recipe requires short bursts of walking to the fridge. If you keep at it for half an hour you’ll experience some long-term cardiovascular benefits and lower blood-sugar levels. ;)

Chocolate Cake


60 g Cocoa

125 ml hot water

15 ml baking powder

1 cup/250 ml gluten-free flour (I used Wholefoods)

1 tsp salt

60 ml oil

3 eggs separated

15 ml vanilla essence

230 ml granulated xylitol


Pre-heat oven to 205 degrees.

In a cereal bowl mix the cocoa and hot water and let it cool. Don’t use a mug because it takes longer to cool.

Separate eggs

Sift flour, salt and baking powder. Give it a stir.

In a separate bowl whisk cocoa mixture, egg yolk, oil, sugar and vanilla essence.

Add flour to wet ingredients and mix well.

Whisk egg whites until stiff peaks form and fold into mixture.

Pour into a bundt tin/2 round cake trays or a spring form cake pan

Bake for 20-25 minutes. (I checked my cake at 22 minutes and it was perfect)



60 ml Skinny Nomu Hot Chocolate powder

1/3 cup/125 g soft butter

1 1/2 cups of xylitol icing sugar

60 ml milk

1 tsp vanilla essence.


  1. Cream butter and sugar together

  2. Add hot chocolate powder, milk and vanilla essence

Assemble cake with icing in the middle and cover the entire cake with the rest. Be liberal because there’s a lot to go around.
