Vegan Stir-Fry With A Creamy Peanut Satay

Vegan Stir-Fry With A Creamy Peanut Satay

I have been loving Indonesian cuisine of late.

I made this dish for the first time during my holiday in January and I’ve been refining it as the weeks passed. There’s just something sublime about the sweet, sour and nutty flavour of a peanut sauce. It reminds me of Thailand and honestly, just writing about it, makes me hungry.

My protein in this dish is Woolworth’s plant powered protein’s stir fry strips. You can of course use whatever you like.


1 box, stir fry strips (see what brand I use)

1/2 onion, diced finely

slivers of ginger

1 garlic clove, chopped finely

1 tbsp Tahini

1 tbsp peanut butter

1 tsp rice wine vinegar

juice of 1/2 lime

1 small can reduced fat coconut milk

1 tsp curry powder/chili flakes

1/4 cup peas

1 small packet sugar snap peas

carrots/brocolli/any other vegetables you like.


  1. Fry onions in a large wok until it’s translucent.

  2. Add vegetables into the wok and let it char for a bit.

  3. Add chili flakes/chili spice, ginger and garlic.

  4. Squeeze in lime juice and let the fragrances bounce off the wok until the spices don’t smell so raw.

  5. Add wine vinegar, peanut butter, tahini and coconut milk to the pan. Give it a shake, reduce your heat to low and let this simmer for 12-12 minutes.

  6. When the sauce becomes thick, you can thin it with water to your liking if you want more of a gravy. I don’t do this because it reduces the concentrated flavours.

  7. Serve hot with brown rice, or fluffy millet. Garnish with whatever herb you want. I love using shallots.
