MealsReesha ChibbaComment


MealsReesha ChibbaComment

Edamame is so underrated and often ignored as a whole protein.

However, this magical bean is literally my saving grace on days when I don’t want to eat any fish for lunch or supper. Or on days when I’m lazy to cook.

It’s also less than R80 a bag in Woolies and if you portion it correctly, you could get a good four meals from 1 packet of frozen ‘May-May’. That’s my quirky nickname for this wonderful vegetable.

Edamame is also wonderful in salads and stews.

Did you know: Edamame is an immature soybean in a pod. It’s extremely high in protein and it’s the only vegetable that is considered a whole protein. It’s got Asian origins and is usually blanched or steamed and enjoyed with salt. It contains very little calories.

Ingredients for 2 portions

120 g edamame

salt to taste

1/4 cup water


  1. In a microwave dish, add the water and beans to it.

  2. Microwave for 4-5 minutes.

  3. Drain and sprinkle with salt.

  4. Eat warm and with a carb at lunchtime or with a salad/soup in the evening.
