Kale Salad

So I was perusing my insta feed last week when I saw a lady massage olive oil into her curly kale.
The end result was a soft kale leaf salad.
I added feta to mine because it’s added protein and I enjoyed the simple flavors of lemon, pepper, and a pinch of salt to the bowl. I have never really been a fan of kale but it is so nutrient dense, I strive to eat at least one bunch a week. My mother hates it and she claims she cannot chew it because she has false teeth.
This weekend however, I heard no complaints. In fact, she left her main meal to devour the kale and I was both surprised and overjoyed when I saw that.
Did you know: Kale is an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin K. Vitamin K is the nutrient that heals wounds and is responsible for clotting. Kale is also very low in calories making it the most nutrient dense vegetable on the planet known to mankind. It reigns from the cabbage family.
Ingredients for two portions.
1 bunch of Curly Kale
1 tbsp rough salt
1 tbsp olive oil
pinch of kosher salt
juice of 1 lemon
1 round of feta
1/3 cup chopped coriander.
De-stalk the Kale by pinching the stem with your left hand and and running your finger down the spine with your right hand. If you’re left-handed do it the opposite way.
In a large bowl, wash the Kale in salt, drain and rise well.
Dry the Kale with paper towel and massage the lemon juice the pinch of kosher salt and olive oil into the leaves.
Set the bowl aside for 10 minutes.
Give it a toss and crumble the feta into it.
Crack a bit of black pepper over the top if you like and mix in the chopped coriander.
Enjoy chilled.