Salted Caramel Popcorn

I haven’t pulled a stunt like this since I last tried to make peanut brittle.
I have been feeling for a different type of snack this week and couldn’t wait until the weekend to smash my chocolate blocks. So instead I mashed it up and combined my popcorn, less one fat, with a treat and maple syrup.
And boy was I satisfied. For my weight, 1/2 cup of popped corn is the the correct portion. I usually smash it at snack time in the afternoon when I read, or at night for supper if I’m relaxing and watching a movie.
This snack is easy, and so affordable if you’re the type of person who loves popcorn and Whispers.
Did you know: Two blocks of dark Lindt chocolate is the ideal treat if you’re craving sugar. I eat the Lindt 78% dark chocolate. It is the nicest and it’s also vegan.
1 tbsp coconut oil
2 blocks of 78 % Dark Lindt Chocolate or Nova Sugar Free Chocolate (It doesn’t melt as well though)
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup popcorn seeds
1 tsp salt
baking paper and large baking sheet
Prepare a large baking sheet with baking paper.
Pour 1/4 cup of popcorn in a microwave dish. Spread it out so it can pop well and cover, leave it sightly ajar. Microwave for 4-5 minutes. The first kernel will probably only pop at 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. Stop the microwave if you count to 4 without a kernel popping.
In a sauce pan, salt, heat maple syrup, vanilla and coconut oil. Boil it for 2-3 minutes and pour it over your popcorn. Give it a good shake in a large tupperware and then spread it out on the baking paper making sure it’s well separated and coated. Use a spatula to get every last drop of toffee on the popcorn.
Heat the two blocks of Lindt for 30 seconds.
Heat it again for 1 minute and let it stand for 30 seconds in the microwave before stirring.
Drizzle over popcorn and let everything harden for 10 minutes.
Eat immediately.