Peanut Butter Jungle Oats

Jungle oats are one of the most enjoyable breakfasts. I enjoy it best on days when it’s a little cool, like today.
As winter draws near, my bowl of oats gets simpler.
In the coming months I want to run a marathon, so eating correctly is going to be a necessity. I’ve started adding peanut butter to my oats these past two weeks as extra fats, along with almonds. I’ve also cut out the usual Canderal and have been adding honey to my breakfasts for extra flavour.
The reason for today’s post is simple. I have met more than one person in the past month who has asked me how I make my oats. It’s nothing fancy, just some choice ingredients that are very good for your body.
Did you know: Steel-cut oats are slightly better for you than rolled oats because it’s minimally processed. There’s also more fiber in steel-cut oats than regular rolled oats. Rolled oats like Jungle Oats however are still good for you. Both their nutritional specs are similar in that they can lower cholesterol. It also doesn’t play havoc with your sugar levels, which is great for type 2 diabetics.
Ingredients for 1 person
1/4 cup oats
1 cup water
pinch of salt
2 tbsp honey/maple syrup
1 tsp peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of cinnamon
2 almonds, grated (optional)
In a tiny pot, on medium heat, mix water oats, salt, and vanilla.
Bring to a boil.
Lower the heat and simmer for 5-7 minutes with the lid off.
Mix in peanut butter, and honey/maple syrup.
Take off the heat, close the pot and let that sit for 3 minutes before eating.
Dust with grated almonds and cinnamon.