Oats and Apples

A warm bowl of oats, plain or fancy, is one of the most satisfying things to eat after a run.
In winter I tend to whip together often. Last Saturday the temperature at the start of my run was three degrees. So when I woke up it was colder. I had made this porridge because I knew that when I finished I would need the extra carbs and fats (peanut butter+fruits+oats).
This recipe is for two people.
I combined my oats with a boiled egg for protein. My rule at every meal is that it must include protein. If you don’t have eggs, you can eat yoghurt, or add milk instead of water to your oats. If you’re vegan or lactose intolerant there are plenty of protein additives to chuck into this bowl. Investigate and consider pea protein isolate.
Did you know: Fruit is considered a carb. Don’t overload your body with the extra sugar/carbs unnecessarily. For my body, 1/2 apple is 1 portion of fruit. If I eat an entire apple in my oats, I try to skip my snack. If I’m starving, I eat my snack and make sure it is protein like yoghurt and I skip my afternoon snack.
1/2 cup of oats
1 1/4 cup cold water
1 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp peanut butter
2 tbsp Maple Syrup (100%)
pinch of salt.
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 apple, peeled and cut into large chunks
Extra fruit if you’ve exercised, otherwise give this a skip.
Mix apples with maple syrup and cinnamon. Set it aside.
Bring to boil oats, salt, vanilla, and water.
Lower the heat and immediately add apples. Let that simmer for 5 minutes and turn the stove off completely.
Cover the pot and stir in peanut butter. Let it rest for 2-3 minutes, give the melted peanut butter another stir, and enjoy warm.