Honeyed Fig Dessert

Honeyed Fig Dessert

I ate peppermint crisp tart this weekend and the sugar high was so awesome. The withdrawals however was not. Monday saw me biting my nails at tea time, frantically searching for something sweet.

It was my mother actually who reminded me about the fresh fruit I bought from the market. Instead of stewing apple, which is my go to recipe when I want something desserty, I opted rather to bake some figs. I had fresh honey and decided to balance the sweetness with pomegranate and fresh rosemary. The rosemary was given to me by my good friend Verashni, who’s garden is brimming with fresh herbs and fruit tree’s. The combination of these simple ingredients and the yogurt was very satisfying and I’d make this again in a heartbeat.

My little sweet and sour treat consists of 1 protein, fruit and 1 fat.


2 punnets of figs (roughly about 20-24)

1 tbsp honey

1 tbsp butter/vegan margerine

1/2 cup yogurt (portion for 1 person)

2 tbsp pomegranate seeds

1 fresh stalk of rosemary



  1. Chop the rosemary up in big chunks to release the oils.

  2. Sprinkle it into a large, flat baking dish.

  3. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

  4. Wash and cut figs into quarters but don’t slice right through them. They should fall open like a flower. Arrange them over the rosemary in the baking dish.

  5. Drop tiny amounts of butter/vegan margarine in the middle. I did this with a butter knife.

  6. In no particular fashion, drizzle your honey over the figs. Don’t worry if everything is not covered. The honey will melt into the butter and I promise you, everything will taste sweet.

  7. Dust the figs lightly with cinnamon.

  8. Bake for 5-7 minutes and serve hot or cold over yogurt.

  9. Garnish with pomegranate seeds.