MealsReesha ChibbaComment

Tuna Casserole

MealsReesha ChibbaComment
Tuna Casserole

I am all about easy carb-controlled dishes these days.

Last week I made too much white sauce for a pasta and I had decided to use the leftovers in a casserole. This is what materialized. I loved the simplicity of the ingredients as well. You really don’t need much and there are exactly four hearty portions from this recipe.

This recipe is also available on my Youtube channel if you’re keen to watch how I made this wonderful meal.

Click on the button below for the full tutorial.

Did you know: Tuna is a great source of protein, essential fatty acids and vitamin D.


3 medium sized sweet potato’s, boiled and mashed

3 tbsp brown cake flour (I use Eureka Mills Flour)

3 tbsp butter

3 cups milk

1 tsp nutmeg

2 tsp salt

2 cans tuna

3 stems spring onion, chopped

8-10 mushrooms

1 tsp smoked paprika

1 tsp fresh thyme

pepper to taste


  1. Peel sweet potato’s, cut into round disks and drop it in cold water and bring to a boil. Boil for about 15 minutes and turn off the stove.

  2. Drain and mash.

  3. In a separate pot, heat butter and 1 tsp salt. Add flour and create a paste.

  4. Add milk and nutmeg and with a whisk, bring the white sauce to a rolling boil.

  5. It will thicken quickly. Turn off the heat, cover the pot and let the sauce simmer and thicken nicely. You want to turn your oven on at this stage to 190 degrees to preheat.

  6. Drain the tuna and empty it into a large bowl.

  7. Add chopped spring onion, 1 tsp salt and mix in the mushrooms.

  8. Arrange the tuna mixture in a casserole dish with a lid, pour over your white sauce and give it a good mix.

  9. Scoop mash on the top of the tuna mixture and with a fork, fluff the mash a little.

  10. Break fresh thyme over the top of the dish and crack black pepper over it.

  11. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. The mushrooms will give off a lot of liquid, but the white sauce will firm nicely when it cools. If you think your dish is too runny, put it back in the oven for a little while longer and enjoy.
