On The Board

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Lactose-Free Mac & Cheese

I recently saw that Checkers sold Parmalat cheese that’s lactose free and this made me really excited.

I usually drink Gero milk, which is also lactose free,so decided to make this really easy macaroni and cheese recipe using chickpea noodles.

It couldn’t have tasted nicer. My mother was with me and she ate the entire bowl and it’s actually meant for two people. Need I say more.

Below is a micro graphic of various pasta’s so you can use whatever works for you. Whether you’re on a low calorie, gluten-free or vegan diet, there’s just no need to avoid pasta.


4 tbsp brown bread flour (I use Eurika Mills)

4 tbsp Vegan margarine

4 cups of milk (I used Gero)

2 cups vegan cheddar cheese

salt to taste

1/4 tsp nutmeg

fresh thyme 1 tsp

2 1/2 cups dry pasta (boil it)


  1. Preheat oven to 120 degrees

  2. In a large saucepan, heat margarine until it melts.

  3. Whisk in flour until it forms a paste.

  4. Add milk and keep whisking until the sauce becomes a little thick.

  5. Stir in nutmeg, salt and pepper.

  6. Add 1 cup of cheese to the mixture and whisk until it boils.

  7. Add pasta to an oven proof dish and pour the sauce over it.

  8. Sprinkle with the leftover cheese.

  9. Bake for 20 minutes and garnish with thyme.

  10. Serve hot.