Banana, Egg Smoothie

This recipe is not lactose-friendly. I am training for a race in March and often I’m asked what I eat before I exercise.
This is it! I can run, cycle and swim, back-to-back on this smoothie, a sachet of Vita-Thion and my iron supplement. After about four hours, I do get tired and usually devour a peanut butter sandwich.
I first had this drink in primary school and it was my mother who made it for me. I remember feeling quite grossed out by the raw egg but over time the taste grew on me.
If you’re worried about raw eggs, just remember that if the egg is pasteurized, it’s quite safe to consume it raw. Also, your body absorbs more protein from a cooked egg than a raw one. I however choose to make this drink, quickly before I head out to train. When I eat solid food, it tends to sit on my chest when I workout or race and I don’t quite enjoy the feeling of being ‘heavy’. I find with smoothies, my tummy isn’t upset and I feel less bloated on runs and rides. If I’m swimming, I generally tend to eat nothing beforehand.
The portions in this smoothie is 1 carb (banana), 2 protein, (milk, egg) and a fruit.
1/2 cup of berries (I used Rasberry’s)
1 banana
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
Blend everything well and dust with a sprinkle of chia seeds if you have. They keep you fuller for longer. If you don’t get used to the taste of egg, try adding 1 tsp of peanut butter.