COVID-19 Lockdown: Day 3

COVID-19 Lockdown: Day 3

If a Kardashian had to ask me what was my peak and pit was today, I would answer that my peak would definitely be church, streamed online from the website. My pit would be saying goodbye to my mother on video chat.

I cut the call by mistake just as she was about to show me Mint Imperials in a bottle. Don’t overthink that sentence.

I didn’t call back, instead I let my heart long for her for just a minute before I dialed a friend who had tried calling me while I was talking to her.

I woke up very well rested today but in a moment of utter stupidity I deleted my new ‘Lockdown’ page on my website while I was blogged. Panicked, I spent the better half of two hours angrily talking out loud to myself and troubleshooting.

Suffice to say all this made me late for church and I had promised someone that I would stream live at the same time with him.

Rivers Chuch has been streaming online since last Sunday and despite the messages and worship being pre-recorded, there wasn’t a chance in hell that I would miss today’s first service.

At 7:40am all my tech problems were resolved so I bolted to the shower and gave myself 5 minute deadlines to get clean, dressed, do my hair and makeup. Five minutes for each task seems daunting at the time. But now I know it is possible. However, my earrings tripped me up because I took three minutes to decide on the right pair.


Of course, church was amazing, it always is. I worshiped to the sound of Lloyd Cele, Pastor Paulette and her team and sang my heart out in my loft, quite certain that God was proudly giving my vocal skills a nod of approval.

Pastor Andre preached about, ‘How to make the most of a bad situation,’ and he made four profound points. We should make the most of a bad situation by:

  1. realising that God has allowed it for some greater purpose.

  2. looking for God’s goodness in a bad situation.

  3. realising that nothing can pull us down unless we let it. Philippians 4:4 says, ‘Rejoice in the Lord always.’

  4. using the situation to grow yourself.

  5. looking ahead because it can’t go on forever. There is an end in sight.

I thought about the lockdown and how we’ve all been confined to our homes. How it’s so easy to fall into the trap of depression, sloth, misery and anger. I prayed and gave myself a stern pep talk about being productive. So I spent most of my day, conceptualizing new recipes and trying them out.


I made two new dishes, blogged them both for the week, tidied my room, read, prayed over Mexico and her kidneys (I just forced her into my arms and held her tight despite her protests), spoke to my family and some good friends and prepared my clothes for work. I also decided to dance in my loft for a bit and eat an Easter egg afterwards. I mean my makeup was done and I was already in a pretty pink dress. So why not?


I did ordinary things today that made me feel productive, protected, cherished and focused.

And if you’re wondering, I don’t ever train on a Sunday because I consider this my rest day. It would have to thunder and pour during the week for me to miss a day of training and only then would I, sought of, maaybe, think about exercising on a Sunday.

PS. Mexico has had a moment of insanity some time between this morning and now. She’s peed on my carpet like a cat burglar in the night, but only she did it in broad daylight with me in the room. I suspect that she may still be mad with me. C'est la vie!