Sorghum Porridge

Training for a race can be time consuming but when you eat well the race is halfway won. When I’m not working an early shift I’ve been enjoying this low GI breakfast option in between my running and swim sessions. It keeps me filled and fueled until midday most days.
Did you know: Sorghum meal is not only low GI, it’s gluten free. Per 100g there is 72g of carbs, 2g sugars, 3,3g fat and the kicker 1503kj.
To make this porridge I use 1/2 cup of Natures Choice Sorghum meal, water, 1 sweetener and a sprinkle of nuts and flaxseed.
Crank the stove to medium. In a small pot, mix the Sorghum in a 1/4 cup of water until you have a paste. When the mixture starts to boil, add 1 cup of water and whisk for a bit until the mixture starts to thicken. Cover immediately and cook on a very low heat for 10-15 minutes.