DIYReesha ChibbaComment

Zeolite Powder Mask

DIYReesha ChibbaComment
Zeolite Powder Mask

Face masks are not only luxurious, it is necessary.  

I’m always making the same one with chickpea flour and turmeric. Last month I didn’t have some of the ingredients so I improvised. 

I have been drinking zeolite powder for over a year now and so decided to make a mask with it. While I was researching this product I came across a recipe and the benefits were astounding. I quickly tried it and have been using it twice a week for about a month. I am confident that it works in drawing out grime from your face. My skin feels smoother, my pores a noticeably smaller, and the T-zone (forehead to the nose tip) is less oily. 

Every person’s skin is different and because I am not a dermatologist, I don’t recommend that you treat my advise expertly. Instead, explore and get to know your skin with natural products organically. It is the best way, in my opinion. 

Did you know: Zeolite powder is a detox tool. It is a mineral. It has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Zeolite powder is grainy and is thought to be one of the oldest deposits in the world. Its ability to absorb, freeze, release and exchange different chemicals, irons, and nutrients in your body is astounding. Much like activated charcoal, it draws out impurities in your skin and your body. 


Zeolite powder



  1. Mix 3 tbsp of zeolite powder with water and form a thin paste. The thinner the better. Apply it liberally over your face and you can sit with it for up to 30 minutes.

  2. Repeat twice a week and observe your pores shrink.